Sunday, March 8, 2015

November 10

So we found out Sister Brusch has tendonitis in her shoulder. She needs to go to physical therapy twice a week for three weeks. It's gonna be hard this week, as we are without the car....
Sister Phadnis is doing great! She's loving Concordia! But we're doing great as well!
The Riding family is doing a little better. I still haven't seen them at church lately :( It's hard to see someone go through a loss and not know how to help them. We are planning on taking cookies over to them this week. I wish we could babysit her kids for her (mission rules). But continue to pray for them.
Tell Lu thanks for the paintings! They were awesome.  It's hard to find time to paint, or I would send her some pictures in return. Tell her I'll try.
So uh how come nobody told me my little brother turned into a stud?! Tell him I'm proud of him.  And when did his braces come off? 
Oh PS….I have found that breaking class mirrors over a dumpster is a great way to alleviate stress! (haha! for service ) Does Utah have a habitat for humanity restore? If so you should volunteer! it's a blast! (That's where we broke chipped mirrors over the dumpster!) 

Anyway, I'll write an update later! Love you all
Sister Moffat
Freezing Day!! Grateful we go hot Cocoa from a member!
(Notice the JACK BLACK photo-bomb! Ha!)

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